CR-SAM: Curvature Regularized Sharpness-Aware Minimization


The capacity to generalize to future unseen data stands as one of the utmost crucial attributes of deep neural networks. Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) aims to enhance the generalizability by minimizing worst-case loss using one-step gradient ascent as an approximation. However, as training progresses, the non-linearity of the loss landscape increases, rendering one-step gradient ascent less effective. On the other hand, multi-step gradient ascent will incur higher training cost. In this paper, we introduce a normalized Hessian trace to accurately measure the curvature of loss landscape on both training and test sets. In particular, to counter excessive non-linearity of loss landscape, we propose Curvature Regularized SAM (CR-SAM), integrating the normalized Hessian trace as a SAM regularizer. Additionally, we present an efficient way to compute the trace via finite differences with parallelism. Our theoretical analysis based on PAC-Bayes bounds establishes the regularizer’s efficacy in reducing generalization error. Empirical evaluation on CIFAR and ImageNet datasets shows that CR-SAM consistently enhances classification performance for ResNet and Vision Transformer (ViT) models across various datasets.

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024
Tao Wu
Tao Wu
Ph.D. Candidate

My research interests include computer vision, optimization and adversarial machine learning.